Wednesday 3 July 2013

2012-01-23 Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam Dislodges Sri Lanka

Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam Dislodges Sri Lanka
Feb-02-2012 09:30
Foreign Minister John Baird articulated his country's foreign policy on human rights...


 Cabinet Minister of Transnational Government, Mrs Balambihai Murugadas Minister for Women, Children and Elderly Affairs of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE), lodged the maiden question to the visiting Foreign Minister of Canada Hon John Baird at the Royal Commonwealth Society lecture on 23 Jan 2012 which took the Government contingent by surprise.

The Foreign Ministry contingent led by Sri Lanka's High Commissioner to the UK Dr Chris Nonis had to change tactic and react in submission. In a lecture focused predominantly on human rights, Foreign Minister John Baird articulated his country's foreign policy on human rights by bringing out examples where Canada had made an impact in the past present and may be in future. He was not forgiving for his John Russell Bairdcountry's western, Christian values and he said that Canada stands firm on those values.

John Baird even was apologetic to a Chinese Canadian and restated the Prime Minister's formal apology for a legislation that was passed in Canada back in the eighteen hundreds discriminating particularly the Chinese Canadians. John Baird said ''we have not been right all the time and we will readily admit it'' After his resounding and well written speech, the first question was posted by RCS's Chairman Mr. Peter Kellner: Your speech on human rights was remarkable. 

Thank you very much. However I noticed that you didn't mention Sri Lanka specifically in this speech, however we know that you have been very vocal on that country's human rights records...where do you think we as international community,. The Commonwealth etc. should go from here with regards to Sri Lanka?

Answer JB: Our Prime Minister and I as foreign minister of Canada have been highlighting issues and the deteriorating record on human rights in Sri Lanka at many international forums like the UN General Assembly, at CHOGM in October last year in Perth and at many other occasions. Our Prime Minister has made it clear that if most of ..or all of the three conditions...

1. Address the accountability issue of what went on at the end of war back in 2009 to the satisfaction of all in Sri Lanka and the international community..
2. Begin a process of genuine reconciliation with the minority Tamil community
3. Quite frankly there is a growing authoritarian trend by the government in Colombo

...are not satisfied, he will not be attending the next CHOGM in Colombo in 2013. We are 
working with like minded governments in the region and others to see how to improve the situation in Sri Lanka and we will continue to be in dialogue with them and the government of Sri Lanka itself. It's not looking good right now..

The very first question from the audience was posed by Mr Vijay Jeyanthan - Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Women, Children and Elderly Affairs of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam: 
"Thank you. My name is Vijay Jeyanthan and I am speaking on behalf of Rt Hon Mrs Balambihai Murugadas Minister for Women, Children and Elderly Affairs of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam. Foreign Minister we welcome Canada's position on Sri Lanka on the war crimes issue. The International Crisis Group released a report last month regarding the dire situation faced by Tamil women in the north and east of Sri Lanka. It is now almost three years since the end of the war and the north and east remains extremely militarized. I would like to ask what the Commonwealth and Canada can do to improve the security situation in the daily lives of Tamil women. Thank you" -

Answer JB: Yes we are aware of the ICG report and others which report on the issue of high military presence in the north of Sri Lanka and the continuing human rights issues faced by the Tamil minority community I said before we as a government will not shy away from highlighting these issues in international forums and wherever we can. We will continue to do so until the situation is rectified. Canada will stand for its principle position and stand up for the values that we believe in.
Q - Dr Shiranee Joseph: I just want to know where you are getting this information of women being abused and others in Sri Lanka...What is your source of information. Thank you.

Answer JB: Our main source is our Embassy in Colombo. However we also get information from NGOs, media organisations, local institutions and others. However the main source is our post in Colombo. High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to the UK Dr Chris Nonis was present at the lecture and at the reception thereafter with a crew of some 8 to 10 staff and volunteers (men and women) mingling in the crowd. Dr Shiranee Joseph was one of the 10 who also asked a question from the FM.


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